Partners - Katelyn Daggers

Ready to Discover Your Home’s Value?

Let’s find your home to get started.


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    My Promise to You...

    Strategy Session

    The complete home marketing plan for you. I’ve taken care of every step of the process to bring the most value and convenience to you. Look below to see what I guarantee for you.

    Property Enhancements
    Putting your home on the market is a big deal – Let’s maximize the value of your home with:

    1. A written Home Enhancement Checklist
    2. Recommendations for minor repairs and improvements to help sell your property for the highest price possible!
    3. Access to a list of the most reliable and dependable home improvement workers in the marketplace.

    Marketing Plan
    Between my large team database, unrivaled property exposure plan, and social media presence, I have a proprietary plan to market your home and get it sold.

    1. Competitively price your home.
    2. Optimize condition and viewing of home.
    3. Prepare and submit accurate information to the MLS.
    4. Proactively promote property to my large database.
    5. Network with the best agents in the area.
    6. Create maximum exposure for the property.
    7. Tap into my Nationwide Referral Network

    Clear and Open Communication
    Communication is key. My clients trust that they will be communicated with often and provided the best service. I intend to keep my promises.

    Negotiating and Structuring
    One of the worst fears is getting to closing and something happens to delay or cancel the deal. I work through all these potential issues for you. Peace of mind.

    1. Carefully review and present all offers for your consideration.
    2. Qualify prospective buyers and research their lending options to increase the likelihood that they can secure financing.
    3. Negotiate the strongest terms to create a solid transaction that will close on time, without any surprises.

    Complete Transaction Management
    There are a lot of steps to go through to get a home sold. My team manages this entire process so you can rest easy, while I make sure everything happens in a timely matter.

    1. Manage all the details of your real estate transaction on a daily basis.
    2. Stay on top of all other matters to be sure your real estate transaction closes in a timely fashion and with as little stress as possible.

    Client Appreciation Program
    My clients love the process so much, that many become treasured friends. Consider my your source for referrals on any type of business out there, whether it’s related to real estate or not. I partner with competent professionals who would be happy to serve you.

    In-Depth Marketing Analysis
    My promise is to provide you with a thorough inspection and assessment of your property location, style, and condition. I’ll come up with the optimal strategy and estimated expenses to get you the most value out of your home as possible.

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